Thursday 12 December 2013


This circle is named after the first president of the republic of Ghana. It is a central point in Accra and life never stops here. It has a lovely fountain at the centre which is switched on special occasions. This circle used to be called the national liberation circle, after the national liberation council which overthrew the government of kwame Nkrumah in 1966. 

There is a major roundabout, with a fairly new sign that exhorts Accra residents to keep the city “clean”. It is with this that our current president HIS EXECELLENCY JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA with his delegated teams has taken it upon themselves to renovate it as part of the better Ghana agenda project. Now, with a number of illiterates among the informal sector, I continue to ask myself how they can understand the note … Let alone live up to the principle 

Many of the city’s best nightclubs can be found here. All night dancing takes place around kwame Nkrumah circle, the part of the city, which doesn’t sleep. You get almost anything here at anytime of the day or the night. All night dancing takes place around the Kwame Nkrumah circle. 

If you have ever heard what sounds like “sec-sec-sec!... sec-sec-sec!” around Accra, I can assure you it is nothing mysterious, but the call by tro-tro mates for passengers to board the mini- bus(known as tro-tros) down to Accra’s “ Kwame Nkrumah Circle”. The noisy area of sellers all over trying to woe people to patronize their goods and street hawkers moving from one place to the other. Around that same place people find shelter in front of closed shops.

The bad aspect of the Nkrumah circle is that lots of dubious people hang around the streets including prostitutes, drunkards, thieves, sellers, armed robbers and even mad men ha-ha -ha that’s right mad men! See the story of the madman of Gadara (Mark 5:1-18) and you’ll get the idea. Especially during the evening you will realize people will be in a queue (line) at the various bus stations. There are at times that you can get like 70+ people in a queue with others at advantageous point to favor in getting transport to their various abode.

 It is very amazing how you see people protecting their bags and other important items hahahha… you wondering why this is the place that is mostly noted for robbery. Personally I have been a victim of this robbery 2months ago where I lost my mobile phone and money hmmm I had mixed feeling. I didn’t know whether to be angry at myself or to blame someone. These robbers are indeed amazing and clever at what they do. Kudos to them and surely they will be a bad day for  them and wondering if there will be an end to robbery at all, people should be careful not only at Nkrumah circle but everywhere as robbery is a rampant disease all over the world.